Did you know that Mike Bloomberg was FIRED. Yes. He got laid off and with the 10 million dollars that was given to him he turned his Mike Bloomberg enterprises into a multimilliion dollar corporation eventually becoming now!!!! MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing story about will power and persistence.
Why am I teeling you this?
Because after you may have a set back in life at this moment and this your your chance
to make a DECISION to switch your momentum in your life and move in a direction that allows
you to look at life as a hill with ups and downs. Can you be the next MIKE BLOOMBERG?
Pass this story on if you like...........Adrian Quarless
Because after you may have a set back in life at this moment and this your your chance
to make a DECISION to switch your momentum in your life and move in a direction that allows
you to look at life as a hill with ups and downs. Can you be the next MIKE BLOOMBERG?
Pass this story on if you like...........Adrian Quarless