Monday, February 27, 2012

Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship

Did you know that Mike Bloomberg was FIRED. Yes. He got laid off and with the 10 million dollars that was given to him he turned his Mike Bloomberg enterprises into a multimilliion dollar corporation eventually becoming now!!!! MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing story about will power and persistence.

Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on Entrepreneurship
Mike Bloomberg on EntrepreneurshipWhy am I teeling you this?

Because after you may have a set back in life at this moment and this your your chance
to make a DECISION to switch your momentum in your life and move in a direction that allows
you to look at life as a hill with ups and downs. Can you be the next MIKE BLOOMBERG?

Pass this story on if you like...........Adrian Quarless

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Power of Persistence

As I start this blog. I think about what I am doing and the iimpact that I want to leave on
so many people. But I look back at all the things that I have done in life and I must say that
it has all come from hard work and persistence.Calvic Coolidge wants said, "The world is
filled with Harvard derlicks" but nothing beats persistence. The ability to keep, keeping on
in the face of adversity. To do the disciplined thing verses the easy. To stay focus on the
course. To begin with the end in mind. It's about vision. That is what life is all about.
Seeing the end of the tunnel before getting there is only part of that . So when you
feel the erge to quite and stop remember that the JOY at the end of the tunnel is always sweeter.
Adrian Quarless

The Power of Persistence

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to think like STEVE JOBS?( CEO of the Apple)

Here's my thoughts. He created something from nothing. What he did was just overthrow the way people normally thinks. A phone that you can operate from touch screen. This was an idea that most people thought was absolutely crazy. Why would you go up against the conventional phone giants( TMobile, AT and T and Sprint) to create something that would FAIL!!!! Do you think people doubted his invention? YES. But yet he was convinced that this is what the market needed and so on Jan 9, 2007, the iphone launched. THE WAY PEOPLE COMMUNICATED WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME. From social networking, to games ,to GPS navigation it all came together. The company sold 33.99 million , I phones at the end of 2009.

How to think like STEVE JOBS CEO of the AppleWHAT IF YOU KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? Would you have gotten involved at the time?

How to think like STEVE JOBS CEO of the Apple
How to think like STEVE JOBS CEO of the Apple
How to think like STEVE JOBS CEO of the Apple
How to think like STEVE JOBS CEO of the AppleTHE REASON I TELL YOU THE STORY ABOVE to let you know that TIMING in business means everything you must act on what you want. This is no dress rehearsal in life. This is your life and the time is now to act. Make a decision a smart one to get involved, to think outside the box, to not the the conventional things that everyone wants . I promise you. You will live a better life, be a better leader, and make far more money in 2011 that you have ever dreamed. LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE ON THE TOP OF THE LADDER of this GAME we call life.